Following Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and its recent sequel, the third instalment in the Twisted Childhood Universe, aka the "Poohniverse," is set to hit theaters on January 13 for a three-day run before heading to streaming at a later date, and we have some new stills from Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare courtesy of EW.
The previously-released poster and teaser gave us a first look at Peter Pan himself, and these promo images spotlights rather terrifying new takes on Captain Hook and Tinkerbell (Kit Green), who has been reimagined as a biologically born male and named Timmy, who Pan keeps in line by feeding "pixie dust."
“She didn't fit the criteria to actually be sent fully to Neverland,” director Scott Chambers explains. “Then he says, however, you can be something else. You can be this fairy, you can be magical, but you've got to help me. I'll give you this pixie dust, and if you keep taking it...Every time you are good, you can have some.”
“This is not a villain at all,” he continues. “This is an extremely layered character. This is someone that's really troubled. They're brainwashed. It's Stockholm Syndrome. They've been in this situation for years and years and years. They don't know any other way.” Most actors in the audition process didn't deliver those nuances, but Green’s subtleties enhanced all of those facets and landed her the job. “She just really tapped into it where no one else was,” he says. “As soon as I saw the audition, I was like, ‘Yes!’”
Check out the new images at the links below, along with the gruesome trailer and some other recently-released shots.
The newest entry into the PoohniverseOpens in a new tab follows Wendy Darling as she strikes out in an attempt to rescue her brother Michael from the clutches of the evil Peter Pan who intends to send him to Neverland. Along the way she meets a twisted Tinkerbell, who is hooked on what she thinks is fairy dust.